Boy does it feel good to be back home with my scented treasures! It's been a little while since I have melted a scent from Candles by Victoria, so tonight I picked Marshmallow Ambrosia.
This scent came as an individual 2 ounce "scent shot".
I was looking through the website, there are a TON of scents to choose from, plus there are SAMPLER PACKS! Whoo hoo!
Candles by Victoria describes this scent as
"Marshmallow Ambrosia~ A wonderful combination of marshmallows and fruit.. this is a yummy scent!"

It's sweet, sugary, and warm, with a scent that's not quite vanilla.
This seems very much a Fall type of scent, although I'm not sure why. I don't think I eat anymore marshmallows in Autumn than I do any other time of year. Maybe because its a home-y type fragrance, which is a change of pace from the tropical types that seem to dominate during the summer time.

I love that the fruit is there, but doesn't overpower the marshmallow scent.
Marshmallow Ambrosia is a great scent on its own, but I think I will also try tossing it in my electric warmer with Pink Sugar. It would add a rich full bodied sweetness with a touch of fruit. There are a ton of Pink Sugar blends out there, but I think this would be a good one too.
I like to think of marshmallow as vanilla's cousin. They are so similar, they are both sweet and incredibly versatile.I love vanilla with a passion so no doubt marshmallow with be another regular in my lineup. :)
I will want to try a pure marshmallow soon, and then other types of blends. I'm not sure why I haven't melted more marshmallow scents before, I kind of feel like I have been missing out!
I love how u refer to vanilla and marshmallo as cousins! Both are so versatile and hands down faves of mine. Id really like reviews if you come acrossed really good ones.